Saturday, December 8, 2007

Employment and the Nursing Shortage

There is a nursing shortage. I've seen it on the hospital floors. I've seen four nurses resign from a floor in one day because they could quickly move somewhere else.

However, I've also heard that Portland is a difficult market to get employed in, especially for a new grad nurse. For example, I am a new grad (actually will graduate next week), I've had one interview, didn't get it and have applied to 10 other positions without getting one interview. I've received good evals from my clinicals and fairly decent grades in school. This is a nursing shortage?

What is your experience with the market? Discuss..


RNinICU said...
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RNinOR said...

Time of year is definitely a factor. It seems like nobody does anything in the Winter here except drink booze and coffee, read books and sleep..

RNinICU said...

I am an experienced nurse in Portland and so usually can find a job quite easily but I have heard from several new grads that getting a job, especially in the field they prefer can be quite difficult. It is really counter intuitive. We have a desperate nursing shortage and yet new grads have trouble getting jobs!!
I think this time of year (holiday season) may be a factor. My advice is keeping trying and don't get discouraged. If you can, wait for the right job for you.
The HR wheels grinds slowly. So it may takes weeks to get a response to your application. There are PLENTY of nursing jobs out there and with patience you will find the one you want.